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Minnesota Family Council

Dear John,

In the final hours of his administration, President Barack Obama imposed a new requirement through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), in essence mandating that any organization working with HHS must accept same-sex marriage and an individual’s professed gender identity. A religious freedom disaster, this requirement has been used to try to prevent faith-based adoption and foster care providers from being able to serve needy children. Recently, South Carolina’s governor had to ask HHS for a special waiver on behalf of Miracle Hill, the state’s largest provider of foster homes, so the vulnerable children of South Carolina could continue having all available avenues of finding a place to live. HHS ultimately granted the waiver because the regulation violated the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. However, now radical activists are trying to prevent HHS from granting any such waivers to anyone else.

The assault on faith-based adoption and foster care providers has been fierce and expansive. Various states and localities, even those with laws against government discrimination, have shut down these providers. For example, in Michigan, the Attorney General refuses to implement or defend a law protecting their religious freedom. Take a moment to tell the Administration to protect faith-based adoption before tomorrow!

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Earlier this month, HHS announced that they are removing this burdensome requirement imposed by President Obama because it discriminates against faith-based organizations. While there is much work to be done to protect religious freedom, removing this regulation -- which has been used as a bludgeon against those who are motivated by their faith to help vulnerable children -- is a step in the right direction.

We have a limited window to let HHS know of our support for their action, as they will stop taking comments on December 19th - that's TOMORROW! Radical activists will undoubtedly submit thousands of comments opposing this step of progress for religious freedom, and HHS will likely face litigation once the rulemaking process is over and the regulatory change becomes effective. HHS needs to know that you stand with them in their efforts to remove this discriminatory regulation and keep children first. Please send them a comment today!

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Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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