John – Marco Rubio needs your help.

His liberal opponent, Val Demings, is outraising Marco 3 to 1 and it's starting to make a difference in the race.

The latest polling in Florida shows this race is TIED – so it's critical that we make sure Marco has the resources to reach out to voters.

Will you take a moment to chip in $5 or more to help Marco and RECLAIM THE MAJORITY?

Democrats are determined to win in Florida – right in President Trump's backyard. I hope you'll join me in helping my friend, Marco Rubio before it's too late.


Lindsey Graham

From: Marco Rubio
Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Subject: BYE!

I'll be blunt, John.

My biggest deadline of the year is here, and if we don't raise enough to meet my Extended August End of Month Goal by midnight, you can say goodbye to Trump's legacy.

Here are the facts:
  • Fox News said my race will be the most expensive Senate race in U.S. history.
  • My opponent outraised me FIVE QUARTERS in a row.
  • My opponent's last financial report showed she raised more in just one month than I did in THREE months.
  • My opponent got ads up on TV a full MONTH before I was able to get TV ads on air.
  • Two polls show her ads are working and we're TIED.
I need you to listen to me, John. If Democrats expand their total control of the Senate, we can kiss Trump's legacy goodbye! Please rush in $18 to the most high stakes Senate race before midnight >>

 << RUSH IN $18 >> 

 << RUSH IN $35 >> 

 << RUSH IN $75 >> 

 << RUSH IN $125 >> 

 << RUSH IN $250 >> 

On top of all this, my opponent is building on the momentum she's seeing from winning her Democrat Primary! We need to be able to put forward a fundraising number that shows conservatives are standing strong to restore America.

I need your support right now if we want to take back the Senate. Will you help me before midnight, John?



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