
, Can you believe this?

Today, WESH 2 Orlando cancelled the debate between Darren Soto and myself for what they cited as my being unvaccinated. Not only are liberal government politicians pushing mandates upon us, now woke Corporate America is doing the same. I believe in medical freedom, and I believe my voice should not be silenced for refusing to adhere to this unproven vaccine. Woke Corporate Media is hard at work to silence our voices, but we will not allow it. I will not take an experimental vaccine just to share my views with the American people.

I offered to take a COVID-19 rapid test and even suggested we do the debate outside, but both compromises were dismissed. This is yet another reason why it is imperative we take back the House, fire Nancy Pelosi, and Save America!"

I will debate Darren Soto in person any time, any place and believe this public discourse is fundamentalto our democracv. This is a real disservice to the voters of Congressional District 9 who do not deserve “virtual" representation. They do deserve to hear the viewpoints of both candidates before making an informed decision on or before November 8th.

CHIP IN $20.22

I need your help in order to have our voice heard in this election. If the liberal news media is going to silence us, we must have the resources to have our voices heard.

Paid for by Scotty Moore for Congress