Morningside Center

Dear Morningside Center friends,

We’re sending you our warm wishes for the new school year! 

See below for lots of resources and ideas to get your year off to a good start. Also in this issue, we share our 9/11 anniversary teaching guide. And check out our lessons in honor of Labor Day here.

And in case you missed it, you’ll also find info below about our new guide, Teaching as an Act of Solidarity.

Plus: We have a job opening! Morningside is seeking a full-time, salaried Executive Assistant to support the work of the Executive Director.

Read the full listing. And please share! >

New & Featured Lessons

Activities to Start the Year: K-12 Lessons & Guidelines for a Caring Classroom. A collection of community-building activities, SEL Tips, games, and lessons on self-care to get your year off to a good start. 

Explore more lessons and resources to start the year >

9/11 Anniversary Teaching Guide (Updated)

How should educators acknowledge the anniversary of September 11th and educate students about the events of that day and their impact? See our updated guide.

Fostering Joy & Building Strength in Today’s Moments

This lesson for middle and high school students is intended to offer joy and inspiration, and the opportunity to be in community with peers. 

Nebula image

Teaching as an Act of Solidarity

Teaching as an Act of Solidarity: A Beginner’s Guide to Equity in Schools provides a scoped and sequenced series of activities to build connection, trust, and community through social and emotional learning, restorative practices, and racial equity.


“Grief is not the destroyer of beauty. It's okay to look up from the debris long enough to catch your breath on something beautiful.”

- Cole Arthur Riley

Morningside Center
for Teaching Social Responsibility
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