Election Day is right around the corner.

Ilhan for Congress

Election Day is exactly 2 months from today, team.

But Minnesota voters will start casting their ballots in just a few weeks — so we don’t have a moment to waste.

We’re knocking on doors, hitting the phones, and planning get-out-the-vote events to reach voters where they’re at and build progressive power.

We also need to prepare for any attacks that come our way. After a right-wing super PAC poured more than half a million behind ads at the last minute to try to defeat me in my primary, there’s no telling what we’ll be up against in the general election. That’s why I’m asking:

Can you chip in $2 right now to help us run the strongest campaign possible in the 2 months before Election Day? Your support will ensure I can keep fighting for our shared progressive values in Congress.


In the coming weeks, our movement will face attack after attack from our GOP opponent, billionaires, and super PACs hell-bent on rolling back our progress.

$2 may not seem like a lot compared to what the other side will spend — but every single dollar adds up and makes a powerful difference. When we come together, the status quo is no match for our movement.

With only 2 months to go until Election Day, please make a $2 donation to power our work for progress:


Relying on the support of thousands of grassroots donors instead of a handful of mega-donors may take more work — but it’s absolutely worth it. I work for the people, not the ultra-wealthy or corporate PACs, and I will always put you first in our movement’s work to build a better future for all.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar