Dear John,

Amazon. Starbucks. Chipotle. Apple. Trader Joe’s. 


In the last year, workers at some of the biggest companies in the nation have started organizing, fed up with unsafe working conditions and paltry pay and benefits. They’ve sent a message loud and clear: workers deserve a voice on the job. 


At ALIGN, we’ve strengthened this wave of organizing by passing bills that help workers directly—from disclosing secret productivity quotas to fighting retaliation in unsafe workplaces. And we won’t stop there. We’re building coalitions that fight alongside workers for fair working conditions, fair wages, and a fair economy for all. Can you support our work with a $5 contribution today? 


Organizing is the heart of our movement, as our allies Sarita Gupta and Erica Smiley, long-time leaders at the Ford Foundation and Jobs With Justice, show in their newly-released book envisioning its future. The Future We Need tracks the expansion and evolution of the labor movement, imagining the next stage of collective bargaining that can build transformative working class power.

As we battle rising prices, compounding health and climate crises, and rampant corporate power, our moment demands a visionary approach, and we’re proud to honor Gupta and Smiley among our 2022 Movement Builders. Celebrate the strength of our growing movement and join us at the Movement Builder Awards to celebrate worker power and support our mission for a more just, sustainable New York.

In solidarity, 

Maritza Silva-Farrell

Executive Director