FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 8, 2022


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Two Months Until Election Day and CT is Ready to Fire Career Politician Dick Blumenthal


GREENWICH, CT - With exactly two months until voters can make their voices heard on Election Day, political outsider and Connecticut U.S. Senate candidate, Leora Levy is gaining momentum. Connecticut voters across the state are ready to retire career politician Dick Blumenthal. 


Levy issued the following statement, advocating for a change in leadership to lead the next generation with new ideas. 


“After 37 years in political office, Dick Blumenthal serves as a reminder of why career politicians are failing us, siding with special interests over the people who elected him. Blumenthal has never strayed from a photo opportunity, but when it comes to fighting for the needs of Connecticut voters, he gets an ‘F’. Just take a look at what he has allowed to happen in the last two-years alone, siding with Biden over Connecticut voters:


● Voted for out-of-control spending that fueled 8.5% inflation and a 13% jump in food prices last month

● Spent $3.5 trillion on Biden’s political agenda since Inauguration Day 

● Allowed gas prices to double, refusing to fight for America’s energy independence 

● Voted to fund 87,000 new IRS agents and raised taxes on the middle class

● Refused to call out Biden for his failed withdrawal in Afghanistan that took 13 American lives and left $7 billion in military equipment and our strategic Bagram Air Force Base to the Taliban


“Dick has voted with Biden’s agenda 98.1% of the time making life in Connecticut unaffordable in the two years that DC Democrats have had full control of Government. Voters are ready to send a message that they are fed up on November 8! They want less big government spending, less interference in our daily lives, increased parental rights in the classroom, safer communities and secure borders. Connecticut is ready for change, and I will be their voice in Washington, DC.” 



About Leora

I am running to take on the far-left whose policies will make our country look more like the Communist Cuba my family and I escaped in 1960 than the United States we have all known and loved. I am running for Senate to lead the fight for freedom. Joe Biden isn't on the ballot in November, but his policies are. The way to beat back Biden is to beat Dick Blumenthal, and I am the political outsider who can get it done.

Contributions to Leora Levy for U.S. Senate, Inc. are not deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes.