Stop Gun Violence

Dear John,


Are you still looking for the perfect gift for your loved one this holiday season? A contribution to the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) is the perfect present for the socially-conscious people on your list!
Donate today in honor or memory of a friend or family member to CSGVYour gift will enable us to develop and advocate for evidence-based solutions to reduce gun injury and death in all its forms -- from mass shootings to domestic violence fatalities to firearm suicides to the everyday gun violence that affects communities on a daily basis. At CSGV, we know these deaths and injuries can be prevented by enacting commonsense, evidence-based policies. 
Make a contribution today! Then print this form and give it to your loved ones to notify them of your generous gift!
If you would prefer to make a tax-deductible contribution, please give to our sister organization, the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence.
Thank you for your generosity!
Happy Holidays,
Josh Horwitz
Executive Director
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence


P.S. Don't forget to check out our online store






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