Dear Friend,
Did you hear? In the past two years we saw more strikes than in any period since the 1980’s! This is direct evidence that our efforts are working – that our campaigns to improve the lives of working people are winning and building momentum in new and powerful ways.
With your help, Jobs With Justice and our network of local affiliates resisted, progressed and won some major victories in 2019.
In Chicago, Denver and Oakland, we were there standing in solidarity with thousands of teachers striking for the schools they and their students deserve. These educators continue to show us what real, organized power looks like, and what it means to stand together in your workplace and community. Our local coalitions are playing leading roles galvanizing community support for educators and public education fights across the country.
In New York and around the country, we confronted Amazon’s growing corporate power in new groundbreaking ways. Following the successful fight against the proposed HQ2 in Queens, Jobs With Justice played a lead role in convening a new coalition of organizations who are strategically fighting to make Amazon put people and the environment over corporate profits. We have big plans to unite prime members together to demand that Amazon does better when it comes to the harsh and unsafe conditions drivers and warehouse workers experience on a daily basis.
In Mississippi, we hit the ground running in support of families devastated by ICE raids and mass firings. In the wake of one of the largest and most aggressive workplace raids in history, Jobs With Justice was on the ground to coordinate rapid response efforts to help the community and train local leaders to be more resilient from future attacks.
YOUR support made all of this possible, and today, we're asking you to please DONATE to help us continue winning big in 2020.
Next year we have big plans to explore new pathways for worker power, whether it’s an innovative housing campaign, leveraging worker capital in new ways, or bargaining for better standards across entire job sectors, Jobs With Justice and our network are paving the way on the frontiers of worker organizing.
With your support, we’ll continue to fight back against the forces trying to tear down our freedoms to lead a good life. Let’s demand a future where people can come together to create more equitable workplaces, sustain their families, transform our communities, and win real change for all in 2020. Join us today by making a tax-deductible gift of any amount!
In Solidarity,
Erica Smiley
Executive Director
Jobs With Justice
PS: If you donate $85 or more, we'll send you a copy of our brand new board game STRIKE! The Game of Worker Rebellion.
PPS: Did you know that you can now give to Jobs With Justice through your will? Many of our supporters leave a gift to Jobs With Justice in their wills, which creates an incredible investment in workers’ rights for generations to come. Leave a powerful legacy for working people by including us in your will at