Friend -

America's greatest economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche was born 100 years ago today.  Across the world rallies are being held in celebration of his contributions to human progress. My campaign will be holding a rally today from 11 am - 4pm at Zuccotti Park.  If you can't make it, please take some time to listen to Lyndon LaRouche in the video marathon below, and please read the schedule through the weekend.

— Thursday —

LaRouche at 100:
The Triumph of Truth — a video marathon

Join us all day September 8 for a video marathon celebrating Lyndon LaRouche’s 100th birthday with videos of Lyndon LaRouche, video contributions from collaborators of Mr. LaRouche and live reports from rallies around the world in celebration of his life's work.

— Friday —

Schiller Institute NYC Chorus 


The Schiller Institute NYC Chorus will present a live concert on Friday, September 9th, to memorialize those who died during the attacks on September 11, 2001, and to remember those first responders who risked their own lives to save others.

Of the nearly 3,000 fatalities on that day, one out of every seven was a first responder, including 343 FDNY firefighters, and 60 NYPD and PAPD police officers. Many gave their lives then, many more have died since then and many more continue to suffer from the effects of that ordeal.

time: Friday, September 9, 2020, 6:30 pm

— Saturday/Sunday —

In Celebration of Lyndon LaRouche's 100th Birthday

The world is only now coming to realize, one hundred years after his birth, how advanced the economic ideas and forecasts of Lyndon LaRouche have been over the past more than 50 years. From the August 15,1971 decoupling of the U.S. dollar from the gold standard, to LaRouche’s June 2014 economic report presenting “Four News Laws” to save the U.S.A. and the world economy, Lyndon LaRouche provided solutions for each phase of the crisis of the past decades. The purpose of this conference is to deliberate upon and propose solutions, based upon LaRouche’s principles of physical economy, which might still, even at this late date, rescue mankind from what might appear to be, but need not be, the road to self-destruction, even self-extinction.





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