This coming Monday, just as Congress gets back from August recess,
immigration activists from across the country are traveling to
the Capitol to demand budget cuts to abusive and deadly immigration
Bend the Arc will be there to organize, rally, and say
“Immigrant justice is Jewish justice.”
This year, the six decision makers who have the
power to stop funneling tax dollars to ICE and CBP, agencies that tear
apart families, are Senators Schumer, Leahy, and Murphy, and
Reps. Pelosi, DeLauro, and Roybal-Allard.
the petition to be part of the immigration Day of Action — demand
Democratic leadership cut funding to ICE and CBP.
As Jews, our collective story and history tell us that migration is
a human right. And the coming High Holidays are an opportunity for us
to recommit to taking action together for justice.
That’s why Bend the Arc is fighting with the Defund Hate
coalition — alongside Detention Watch Network, United We
Dream, the National Immigrant Justice Center, and others — to
hold Congress accountable to these demands:
No funding for the agencies that
separate families. No funding for the agencies that put children in
cages. No funding for the agencies that terrorize and kill
immigrants. No funding for a racist monument to white nationalism
on the border.
Trump is no longer in the White House, but his harmful policies
haven't gone away.
We helped elect Congress to pass a budget that reflects our vision
of a country where everyone can live and thrive. Now we’re
holding accountable these 6 Democratic leaders, who are in
positions of power and on committees that make government funding
When we divest from ICE and CBP, we can invest in education,
housing, green infrastructure and health care programs that create
thriving communities.
the Jewish petition calling on Democrats to cut funding for deadly
immigration enforcement.
Thank you for being part of a national Jewish movement for
immigrant justice. Look for an email next week for photos and stories
from the day of action on September 12.
In solidarity,
Bend the Arc