Tell the Biden Administration: the Gulf is Not a Sacrifice Zone!

Dear John,

A dirty deal is making its way through Congress that would weaken bedrock environmental laws and significantly and disproportionately impact low-income communities, Indigenous communities, and communities of color.

That’s why frontline leaders from across the country are coming to DC today to tell Congress that they will not accept any backroom deals between coal baron Senators and the fossil fuel industry that sacrifice communities to more pollution and climate disasters! 

At the same time, a proposed fossil fuel project—known as SPOT—is in the final stage of consideration. If approved, the project would harm the health of Texas Coast residents, threaten wildlife and their marine habitats, and make climate change worse. And the Biden Administration can act without Congress to STOP IT.

We can’t allow our communities to be sacrificed any more to more oil and gas drilling, pipelines, petrochemical buildout and climate disasters.

Please stand with communities and the climate and submit a comment to stop SPOT today.


Submit Your Comment:

Stand with Communities & the Climate. Stop SPOT!

Thank you, 

Chrystal Beasley
Texas Gulf Coast Campaigner, Earthworks  |  Make a Donation

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