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Thursday, September 8th, 2022


Controlled Demolition of Food and Energy Supplies

Doug Casey

Inflation: State-Sponsored Terrorism

Jeff Deist

The Right to Be Left Alone

Andrew P. Napolitano

The Radical Mob Is Rewarded, While Innocent Americans Will Be Crushed by Biden’s Student Loan Stunt

Revolver News

‘It’s a Private Company,’ They Say. Oh, Really?

Tom Woods

The Annual Summer WEF Meeting

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Inside the Command Structure of the Alliance to Save the World

Alexandra Bruce

Pray for Ukraine?

Laurence M. Vance

Misgendering Tyranny

The Good Citizen

Mass Murder Has Always Been Politically Acceptable

George F. Smith

Inflation is an Artificial, Weaponized Attack on the People, Not the System

Jordan Schachtel

The Theft of Your Wealth and Freedom Is Accelerating

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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