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Hello, True Texas friends! Do you have Amazon packages arriving to your front door frequently? Would you be excited to learn that every time you make a purchase on Amazon, some of those dollars can be re-directed to support our efforts? A simple and easy way to contribute to True Texas Education (the c3 non- profit arm of True Texas Project) is by setting up Amazon Smile in your Amazon account. Amazon Smile donates a portion of eligible Amazon purchases to True Texas at no extra cost to you!
Make sure “True Texas Education Corporation” is designated as the charity of your choice.
Purchase products with the “Eligible for Amazon Smile Donation” designation.
Then shop to your heart's content.
To set up shopping on the app:
Open the Amazon Shopping app
Navigate to the main menu, look for the three horizontal lines or "hamburger" menu
Tap on Settings and then select "Amazon Smile"
Now you can feel better about shopping at Amazon, knowing part of your purchase supports things like Constitutional Boot Camp, educational speakers around the state, and trainings for activists to learn how to hold our government accountable!
Just think about it… proceeds Amazon usually pockets as profit will now support educating our True Texan army on their God-given rights instead! Who would have ever thought you’d hear me say, “Thank you for shopping at Amazon!”???
PS. Don’t shop at Amazon? Good for you! But if you do, sign up for Amazon Smile so we can get a little piece of the Amazon pie for True Texas Education!