From Meryem Karad, Evergreen Action <[email protected]>
Subject 📊 New poll: A resounding mandate for climate action
Date September 7, 2022 9:40 PM
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friend, we did it.

My name is Meryem Karad, and I'm Evergreen's State Campaigns Director. As you probably know, much of our work over the last two years has been laser-focused on the federal level. In 2022, Evergreen set out to build a State Program, recognizing the key role state leaders have as effective drivers of climate action and clean energy policy.

And with the just-passed Inflation Reduction Act sending billions of dollars to the states for climate action, state-by-state leadership is crucial for implementing our clean energy future and winning even more climate victories for all communities, especially those historically disadvantaged. That means our team is busier than ever—but I wanted to take a moment to share some really exciting news with you.

The Inflation Reduction Act isn't just urgent and effective climate policy. It's immensely popular, too—just ask voters in Michigan and Wisconsin.

We teamed up with our friends at Data for Progress to do exactly that, and we found that nearly two-thirds of voters in each of these crucial swing states support the Inflation Reduction Act and want their governors to fight for clean energy investments that deliver energy savings and protect the quality of our air and water.

Now, we need to show our leaders that climate action is in high demand. You can help by sharing the news and tagging @GovWhitmer and @GovEvers on Twitter today—we have a draft tweet ready to go for you!

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These new polls reveal that constituents in Wisconsin and Michigan are concerned about climate change, want to increase clean energy, and want state leaders to do more to reduce air pollution.

This is a resounding mandate for climate action, and we need our leaders to take notice. Click here to share these groundbreaking poll results on Twitter!

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Meryem Karad
State Campaigns Director, Evergreen Action

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