In 2018 a federal court in Michigan struck down a federal anti-FGM law on the grounds that it did not meet the requirements of the Constitution’s Commerce Clause and thus, Congress lacked the authority to pass the law in the first place. Fortunately, a new federal anti-FGM law that meets the Commerce Clause requirements was passed in 2021. However, if the ERA had been part of the Constitution, then the 1996 law may have remained in effect, avoiding a gap in the protection of girls from FGM at the federal level.
The ERA would also make it harder for courts to find Congress lacks the constitutional authority to pass such laws, helping to prevent future rollbacks of legislation that protect the human rights of women and girls, ensuring that women and girls don’t have to rely on an incomplete patchwork of state legislation.
Bodily integrity, including freedom from practices like FGM, is essential to equality.
At Equality Now, we’re working to help make sure the ERA becomes part of the Constitution because equality will never be a reality if people don’t have control over their own bodies.
And you can help. Learn more about how to take action with our partners at The ERA Coalition. Working together, we can finally see gender equality enshrined as a fundamental right in the United States!