In a moment, I'm going to ask you to split a donation between my campaign and Mark Warner's. But first, I wanted to give you a little background on how I became the second woman in American history to be elected both Governor and Senator.

My dad was a WWII veteran who survived the Battle of the Bulge. He used to look over the corner of his newspaper at the breakfast table and ask my siblings and me, “What are you doing for freedom today?”
That’s a big question for three kids who are just trying to finish their cereal before the school bus arrives, but it’s one I think about to this day – and make a point to answer.
I got my start in public service as an advocate, helping to ensure that children like my son Ben, who has cerebral palsy, would be fully included in their communities and have the same opportunities that all parents want for their children.
Serving the people of New Hampshire as State Senator, Governor, and now U.S. Senator has been the honor of my life. And I'm committed to continue delivering on the issues that matter most to Granite Staters.
But Republicans know that if they flip this seat, they’ll take back the Senate majority. That's why extreme GOP groups are spending over $53 million attacking me.
I'm writing today because I won my last race by just 1,017 votes in one of the closest Senate races in history, and this year the stakes are even higher.
When you win by less than half a percentage point, your campaign has to be as strong as possible in every aspect.
That's where you come in: Will you please split a donation between my campaign and Mark Warner's so that Democrats can hold control of the Senate? Any amount helps and is greatly appreciated.
With every good wish,
Maggie Hassan