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Top stories this week: 

New Council Committee Targets Resiliency Gaps
Facing Massive Repair Needs, Public Housing in Bushwick is Undergoing a Huge Shift

Bushwick Official on Rezoning: ‘It’s a Shame This Didn’t Happen Earlier’

In Settlement Win for Disabled NYers, City Agrees to Fix Inaccessible Sidewalks

New Council Committee Targets Resiliency Gaps

Brooklyn City Councilmember Justin Brannan discusses his new Committee on Resiliency and the Waterfront and what he believes is the city’s lagging effort to prepare for coastal storms.

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Facing Massive Repair Needs, Public Housing in Bushwick is Undergoing a Huge Shift

A deal to transfer management and make repairs at Hope Gardens closed last week. It will be the sixth transaction under NYCHA’s Permanent Affordability Commitment Together public and private partnership program.

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In Settlement Win for Disabled NYers, City Agrees to Fix Inaccessible Sidewalks

A judge approved a lawsuit settlement Tuesday that requires New York City to take stock of its sidewalks and curbs, and commit to a plan to upgrade all street corners so they’re accessible for people with disabilities.

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Bushwick Official on Rezoning: ‘It’s a Shame This Didn’t Happen Earlier’

Rafael Espinal, one of two Democratic Councilmembers representing the neighborhood, sizes up the potential for saving low- and moderate-income Bushwick.

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LES Groups Try to Revive Rezoning that De Blasio Admin. Rejected

Community groups and elected officials hoping to stop four high-rises planned for Two Bridges have taken the city to court. Win or lose there, they are also pursuing elements of the Chinatown Working Group rezoning plan that City Planning dismissed in 2015.
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Cops, Communities and the Garner Case

The chair of the Council’s Committee on Public Safety believes the mayor could play a more decisive role than he’s said, and could have played it much sooner, in deciding Officer Pantaleo’s fate.

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No More Con Ed. It’s Time For Public Power

‘A public utility should work for us all. It should be democratically owned and run. Not an unaccountable corporate monopoly like Con Ed. ‘

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How New York Is Failing Those Left Behind At Rikers Island

‘The only population of people increasing on Rikers happens to be the one population fully under the governor’s control – people on parole.’

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Put Food on the Green New Deal Menu

‘Transforming the food system has great potential to sequester carbon, expand well-paid, create clean energy jobs and help reverse the public health crises of food insecurity and diet-related diseases.’

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