Together we can make malaria no more
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In our tenth year, with you behind us, we’ve taken huge strides in the fight against malaria.
We’ve ensured it’s still at the top of the global political agenda thanks, in part, to our ground-breaking international awareness campaign, Malaria Must Die ([link removed]) , signed by thousands of you. The campaign helped to secure a massive $14bn for the fight against Malaria, TB and AIDS through the Global Fund. This wouldn’t have been possible without support from you. Together we’re one step closer to a malaria-free world.
** 10 years, look how far we've come
10 years ago, a group of bold leaders with a shared vision to end malaria, came together to bring Malaria No More UK to life. Since then we’ve hit some major milestones in the fight against malaria:
* An international commitment to halve malaria in the Commonwealth by 2023
* As the second largest donor in the fight against malaria, UK Government support has been bolstered
* Malaria deaths have fallen by 48% since 2009.
As a result, millions of lives have been saved
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** 2020 - A crucial year to make Malaria No More
Approximately 400,000 people are dying every year from malaria, so we still have a lot of work to do to ensure malaria is eradicated in a generation. This year’s WHO World Malaria Report confirmed that progress in the fight against malaria is plateauing for a third year running.
Malaria is preventable, treatable and beatable, and with your continued support, we can reduce cases of malaria by 90% in the next decade.
In June next year, the Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOGM) will be meeting in Kigali, Rwanda. At the last CHOGM leaders committed to halving malaria across the Commonwealth by 2023. Next year is an opportunity to double down on this commitment, helping us on the path to ending malaria within our lifetimes.
Thank you for all the support you’ve given us, over the last 10 years and for helping to make a difference to millions of lives.
- Happy holidays from everyone at Malaria No More UK.
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Malaria No More UK
The Foundry
17 Oval Way
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