From Rebecca Newsom, Greenpeace <>
Subject The next 5 years
Date December 18, 2019 5:12 PM
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Hi John,

Last week's General Election was hugely significant, regardless of how you voted. However you feel about the outcome, there's one thing we can all agree on: we are in a climate emergency and we can't afford to waste any more time. The new government must act now to tackle this crisis as quickly as possible.

But, we now have a majority government that wants a 3rd runway at Heathrow, continues to support fossil fuels, and is not doing enough to support climate justice in the Global South.

Although the Prime Minister has paid lip service to environmental concerns in the past, we still need to put huge pressure on him and hold him to account to make sure he puts our planet first.

But there are reasons for hope. The past year has been so inspiring. People across the country - and the world - want climate action, and they want it now. For the first time in history, climate change is one of the most pressing issues on the political agenda. Even though they need to act much faster, politicians have started to listen - the Conservative government has committed to more than tripling offshore wind by 2030, and fighting to protect global oceans. And in 2020 we have a real opportunity to hold the powerful to account and try to get more real and meaningful action to tackle the climate emergency.

And what better stage to do it on than when the UK hosts the most important global climate conference, the COP, in Glasgow next year? The UK has a unique chance to lead the climate fight - so let's start preparing now.

Will you get involved in 2020? Here are a few ways you can take action and help protect the climate:

Local political action is more important than ever - MPs still answer to us, and with enough local pressure they won't be able to ignore our concerns. Greenpeace's Political Lobbying Network is made up of hundreds of people from across the UK who write to, meet and tweet at MPs, keeping our environment at the top of the agenda. Local, political activism is extremely effective at holding politicians to account. Anyone can get involved, experienced or not, we can provide you with lots of training and support!

Will you join our Political Lobbying Network and lobby your MP on the climate emergency?

I'll join the PLN: [link removed]

You can help push the climate crisis to the top of the political agenda by donating as little as £3 today. Your generous gift could fund our boldest climate campaign yet and send an urgent message to Boris Johnson to end dirty fossil fuel production, plant hundreds of millions of trees to clean our air and stop Heathrow expansion.

Can you donate today, and help protect our earth for future generations?

Yes, I'll donate: [link removed]

People power is the driving force behind our campaigns. Huge numbers of people speaking out against corporations and governments is our greatest weapon in the fight for climate action. When you speak out you're tarnishing their image, you're stopping their lies, and you're forcing them to listen and change. Can you spread our message and inspire people to take action for the planet? Every voice makes our movement stronger!

Can you share this video with your family and friends and help make our movement stronger?

I'll share the video: [link removed]

The recent election results mean that now's more important than ever to hold corporations and our government to account. Politicians still answer to us, so let's make our voices heard and make the planet the priority.

Thank you for everything you do, and I wish you a restful holiday period - we're going to need all our energy next year!

Rebecca Newsom
Head of Politics

Before the election, we analysed all major parties' manifestos and ranked them based on their proposals to deal with the climate emergency, you can read that here.
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We don't accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, you can become a monthly supporter today at [link removed]. Thank you!

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Greenpeace Ltd, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN (registered in London no 1314381, VAT registration no 625951426)

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