While our Democratic majority may have been as slim as it could possibly be, we didn’t let that stop us from passing landmark legislation.


As summer comes to an end, so does a historic stretch of Senate legislation. While our Democratic majority may have been as slim as it could possibly be, we didn’t let that stop us from acting boldly. Thanks to your support giving us a Senate majority to work with, our legislation is going to help working families thrive.

We lowered the cost of prescription drugs and health care, confronted climate change, invested in American manufacturing jobs, and closed tax loopholes that were abused by the wealthiest corporations in the country with the Inflation Reduction Act.

We passed the largest public-works bill since the 1950s with the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which makes the largest-ever investments in clean water, clean energy, and public transportation.

We fought back against COVID-19 and supported millions of working American families impacted by the pandemic through the American Rescue Plan.

And we enacted the first gun safety law in 30 years, expanded veterans’ health care, and invested in the manufacturing jobs of the future with the CHIPS and Science Act.

I’m so incredibly proud to be a part of this Congress. The work we’ve accomplished this summer truly speaks for itself and is something I’ve been reflecting on while the Senate is in recess.

With the Senate reconvening this week, I want to hit the ground running. There’s still so much progress to be made, and with our Democratic majority at risk this November, this will be our last formal way to prove to the American people that Democrats deliver.

That’s why I want to hear from you: What issues matter most to you and what do you want to see addressed in the coming weeks? Take my September Priorities Survey today to let me know:


That’s all for now — more soon.

With love and gratitude,
