Your support helps train and build the next generation of labor leadership.

Dear Friend, 


On Labor Day, we didn't just celebrate the history of our movement, we’re also looking forward and strategizing on how best to prepare ourselves and future generations for the work to come. Whether locally or nationally, Jobs With Justice has always focused on training powerful leaders committed to building worker power and winning campaigns. Leadership development is in our DNA, at the very core of everything we do. 


Though Labor Day has passed, we are still celebrating workers, so please, make a donation to support the next generation of leaders at the vanguard of our movement. 

  • Your donation supports the Movement Fellows of our Advancing Black Strategists Initiative, a groundbreaking new effort to develop and train a new generation of Black organizers who are committed to developing and advancing campaigns that support the collective power of working people, especially in the South.
  • Your donation supports the Jobs With Justice Training Program, which each year trains dozens of local activists and community leaders on power dynamics, campaigning, research methods, and gives them an opportunity to network and strategize with other community leaders from their region. 
  • Your donation supports our Worker Solidarity Fund, which we created to directly support workers in need. From workers impacted by COVID, to worker leaders retaliated against at companies like Amazon, Starbucks, and more, the Worker Solidarity Fund ensures workers have the support they need.

All of these programs are rooted in our vision of building an economy where everyone can thrive, a world where all workers have a voice in the decisions affecting their lives.

make a donation today to support Jobs With Justice and our efforts to catalyze the next generation of movement leaders.



In solidarity,

Mackenzie Baris

Jobs With Justice