Today at 11:00 am I will be participating in this very important press conference.Press Availability: Shut Down the Ukrainian Hit List Targeting Americans and International Voices of Opposition

On Wednesday, September 7 at 11 a.m. EDT, Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) is hosting an international press conference on its just released reports, “Kiev’s ‘Info Terrorist’ List: ‘Global NATO’ Issues Hit on Advocates of Peace,” and follow-up article, "Ukraine’s Deathlist Database:," by an EIR Investigative Team.

Scott Ritter, Ray McGovern, Col. Richard Black (ret.), Diane Sare, candidate for U.S. Senate, and other Americans targeted by Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), who have also demanded Congressional action to stop the U.S. funding of the CCD, will be available to speak to the media. Simultaneous interpretation will be available for several languages (for more information concerning interpretation, contact us by email).

The EIR report states that, “Rapid, decisive international action is required to force the closure of the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), which operates under and answers to Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council. A blacklist issued by the CCD July 14, 2022, naming more than 70 leading journalists, academics, politicians, military, and other professionals from 22 countries, as ‘Kremlin propagandists,’ is a hitlist, posing a grave threat to the personal security of those named therein.”

The press conference is available live for view-only access at this link: at 11 a.m. EDT, September 7, 2022.

--Diane Sare


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