Ride with us: Join Mayor London Breed, Senator Scott Wiener, Supervisors, and more on Muni to City Hall tomorrow at 8am!

Come show your support for public transit and your fellow transit riders at SFTR's Ride Along & Rally, which also marks our San Francisco Transit Month Kick-Off Event! You'll meet up with other riders, city leaders, SFTR members, and more at locations across the city to ride Muni together to City Hall. Each location will have a ride along captain who will be wearing a black and orange SFTR t-shirt. You will be connected with them before the event. You do not need to be an SFTR member to join, but we hope you'll become one and continuing riding for better transit all year long! 

Ride-Along Locations (8am meet up)

                               Masonic and Fulton                                             Jane Warner Plaza

                               22nd and Taraval                                                  24th and Mission

                               Transbay Transit Center (8:30am)                          3rd and Palou

                               West Portal Station                                               Mission & Geneva 


The Ride-Along & Rally event invites all riders to come together and celebrate the major wins we’ve had this year and to look forward towards all the plans we have to make our city's transit faster, more equitable, more accessible, and better for all. We'll see you on the bus!


Come to our Transit Hub on Friday and get a free Muni Tote! 

Join us Friday September 9 from 4-6pm at the corner of 3rd & Palou for the first of many Transit Hubs! Talk transit with us, get a free tote bag, and meet SFTR staff and volunteers!


And don't forget to join us all Transit Month long! 

Transit Month events are scheduled all throughout the coming weeks. Be sure to save the dates for all these exciting events! See the full schedule by clicking below. 

John- Become a member todayYour membership provides access to member benefits, special access to events, opportunities to inform our priorities, and to help us lead the fight for Muni funding!


P.O. Box 193341, San Francisco, California  94119 [email protected]

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