John, Nobody thought Our Revolution had a chance when we stood with fast food workers to take on the global fast-food industry in California. Our members took action with fast food workers demanding rights and a seat at the table. Despite immense pressure from the richest lobbyists in California, the workers won! AB 257 — the Fast Recovery Act — was signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Labor Day, and now 500,000 workers will have a voice over their working conditions. California is the world's 5th largest economy — meaning this win will have international ramifications! Join us in thanking and congratulating fast food workers for taking on big money and passing a game-changing workers' rights bill! We're proud that Our Revolution activists helped clinch this HUGE win for worker power — sending a barrage of calls to state senators (flipping a few votes!), pressuring Gov. Newsom, and amplifying workers' voices in this fight. This is BIG — an industry-wide workers council in California is a step toward sectoral bargaining, which means fast food workers can bargain as a whole industry in the state. And we can use this as a template to empower workers in states across the country. Sign our card thanking workers for a big win here! In solidarity, Our Revolution
