Hospital at Home (HaH) programs are gaining traction due in large part to their role in meeting the need for hospital capacity during the COVID pandemic. The Campaign highlights recent concerns and benefits that nurses have expressed, as well as shares a new report from AARP Public Policy Institute and ATI Advisory that addresses concerns about the expectations of family caregivers in HaH programs.
The United Health Foundation will spend $100 million for the next decade to help build a racially and ethnically diverse health workforce. The foundation’s largest donation ever will support workforce development—that is, training students from groups underrepresented in health care—and scholarships. The foundation is the philanthropic arm of the UnitedHealth Group, which is a member of Campaign’s Champion Nursing Coalition.
National CNS Recognition Week is September 1–7, the annual opportunity to shine a spotlight on the contributions made by the nearly 90,000 CNSs in North America. This year’s theme from the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists is Unstoppable Advocacy, and NACNS has ideas for how to pay tribute.
The American Journal of Nursing begins a five-part series that focuses on how nurses can support family caregivers who care for a person living with pain. The opening guest editorial by AARP’s Susan Reinhard, PhD, RN, FAAN and Rita Choula, MA and Campaign ally Heather M. Young, PhD, RN, FAAN, gives an overview of the status of the fast-growing number of family caregivers, “the most invisible part of our health care workforce.”
“Interrupting Biases in the Experience and Management of Pain" is the first in the new installment of the series to provide practical information nurses can share with family caregivers of persons living with pain.
Eleven “unique and timely programs” have been named Edge Runners—the evidence-based, nurse-designed, innovative models of care that improve health, affect cost, and influence policy. Preventing injuries from falls, stopping smoking, and expanding diversity of nurse anesthesiologists are among the topics of the initiatives earning the American Academy of Nursing honors.
Action Coalitions: What’s Up? Tell Us So That We Can Share
Fans of the Campaign for Action like to learn what’s happening in other states. But we might not know your stories. Help us celebrate your efforts and share details of progress by dropping a note to Aidan McCallion at [email protected]. We’ll spread the news through news posts to our blog, social media, and the Campaign Update.
Podcast We are Listening to:
Have a podcast about health equity and nursing that others should know about? If so, please tell us. Meanwhile, here are several powerful conversations to hear.
The “RN-Mentor” podcast, which interviews leading professionals in the field of nursing, dedicates its sixth season to equity, diversity, and inclusion. The September 6 edition features Kupiri Ackerman-Barger, PhD, RN, FAAN, who’s also senior fellow at the Campaign for Action. Earlier episodes feature Andrea Dalzell, MSN-ED, BS, RN; and Lucinda Canty, PhD, CNM, FACNM.
The American College of Nurse-Midwives welcomes abstract submissions now for its annual meeting in May. Abstracts should demonstrate a link to the theme “Reimagine and Rebuild – Midwifery Insights for the Future of Healthcare,” and describe innovative approaches to clinical, professional, business, leadership, and education issues in midwifery. Deadline: September 7.
The American Association of Nurse Practitioners encourages its members to nominate a deserving NP or advocate from their state, district, or territory for its 2023 State Award for Excellence. The annual awards help increase awareness of the vital role NPs play in delivering high-quality care, and to recognize those who are working to improve health care delivery. Deadline: September 9.
The American Nurses Association invites would-be mentors and mentees to join its ANA Mentorship Program. The one-to-one mentoring relationships are good for experienced nurses who can develop their leadership skills and the students who want to learn how to navigate professional challenges. The online networking and career development opportunity is free. Deadline: September 11.
What are examples of federal policies that create racial and ethnic health disparities? A newly formed committee at the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine wants to hear from the public on that and other questions. The aim: to analyze the social, economic, and environmental policies that contribute to preventable differences in health outcomes among Americans, and come up with effective solutions. Deadline: September 30.
Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers, The National Center for Complex Health & Social Needs, and Adventist Health. September 21-23. Sacramento, Calif.
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