Patriot, I’m not sure if you got Dr. Paul’s recent email, but it’s important. Our system is showing a missing match for on your 2020 renewal, so I wanted to make sure you saw it. As he explains in his email below, 2020 will be an absolutely critical year for the Liberty Movement.With everything we have on our plates, Dr. Paul is counting on you to renew your support for 2020 right away. So please, in case you missed it, read Dr. Paul’s email below. Then click here to renew your support for Campaign for Liberty right away. Thank you in advance for your renewed support, Patriot.– Heather Danielowski ![]() Patriot, After years upon years of indoctrination in government schools, our national media is beside itself with excitement that Americans are finally “ready” for full-scale authoritarianism. As a recent Newsweek headline stated: “Popularity of Socialism Spiking in U.S. With 43 Percent Saying It Would Be Good for Country.” And you can find headlines like that virtually every time you open a newspaper, flip on a TV, or scroll through a few of your favorite online news sites. If we choose to do nothing, the America you and I love could cease to exist. That’s why I’m counting on you to IMMEDIATELY renew your support of Campaign for Liberty for 2020 -- a year I believe will be absolutely critical for the Liberty Movement. ![]() Believing President Trump is a walking dead man politically, Democrats are falling all over themselves to out-radical each other, including supporting: *** Outright GUN CONFISCATION. As
Texas Democrat Beto O’Rourke -- who said what ALL other Democrat candidates are thinking -- declared, “Hell yes, we’re going to take
your AR-15, your AK-47!” *** Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s (D-NY) so-called “Green New Deal” to BAN cars, air travel, FORCE every building in America to be rebuilt, and hand people “unwilling to work” fat taxpayer-funded welfare payouts! Estimates are this scheme could cost up to $92 TRILLION -- approximately $420,000 per household; *** Crackdowns on religious institutions and non-profits who don’t bow at the altar of government-defined “morality;” *** “Medicare for All” (AKA Euro-style socialized medicine), which would send costs to taxpayers skyrocketing, quality of care sinking, and force rationing -- enabling government bureaucrats to decide who gets care and who doesn’t; *** The flat-out elimination of the First Amendment by muzzling grassroots Americans and organizations like Campaign for Liberty with a ball of bureaucratic red tape, and then censoring ALL online speech that isn’t “government-approved” under the guise of combating “hate;” *** Packing the U.S. Supreme Court with Big Government apologists who think sayings like, “America is a free country” means the government gets to do whatever it wants. And now, they’re using the threat of IMPEACHMENT to force the President to the bargaining table. ![]() Don’t be fooled for a second. This impeachment scam is an inside job -- crafted, supported, and carried out by the Deep State and their pals in the press. It’s meant to send a message to politicians in BOTH parties that the Deep State is the REAL power in charge, and anyone who dares to cross them will meet the same fate. That’s why I’ve shouted from the rooftops for years that allowing domestic spying over law-abiding Americans would only hasten our slide into authoritarianism. After all, if the Deep State will go after a sitting President, is anyone safe? What’s to stop the Deep State from deciding you’re a bad actor because you go to the “wrong” church, read the “wrong” books, or like guns “too much?” In a word, NOTHING. The good news is, we may have a chance -- our best chance in years to strike a blow against the Surveillance State. With the so-called “USA Freedom Act” temporarily extended until March 15, we’re gearing up for a major showdown over the Deep State’s spying powers in the new year. In addition to that, the battle over gun control continues to rage. ![]() Your action has helped stall any further action (so far). But behind the scenes, the wheeling and dealing continues. Another shooting in a so-called “Gun Free Zone” could break the logjam and send “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation to the Senate floor. Should “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation pass, a jilted former lover or liberal aunt who lies to a judge out of spite -- or a coworker who doesn’t like a political post you made on social media -- could be all that’s necessary to bring a heavily-armed SWAT team bursting through your door. On top of all of that, signs are increasing that SEVERE economic turbulence is ahead. ![]() News reports show the Federal Reserve is dumping HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS into banks, bailing out certain financial markets. Those banks on the receiving end remain secret. That way those connected to the Fed get their hands on all the money they want, and hardworking folks like you are never told if your money is at risk -- until it’s too late. That’s why we HAVE to keep the pressure on for my Audit the Fed bill, sponsored by U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), to finally EXPOSE the Fed’s corruption and cronyism. As you can see, Campaign for Liberty certainly will have our hands full in 2020. And I haven’t even touched on the 2020 elections where there will certainly be opportunities to make new strides for liberty. That’s why I’m counting on you to renew your support for Campaign for Liberty for 2020 at once. ![]() With so much at stake in the coming year, I’m asking all Campaign for Liberty supporters to stretch and give as generously as they can -- $100 if you can afford it. I know that’s a lot. Especially at this time of year. But there’s so much on the line as we head into 2020. Of course, if it’s just too much right now, could you consider $50 or $35? 2020 is an “all-hands-on-deck” moment for the Liberty Movement. Each and every one of us have a role to play. I’m more frightened for our country’s future than I’ve ever been. I know the answer is for grassroots patriots like you to take action and FORCE our politicians back to the principles embodied in the U.S. Constitution. It will take work. But it’s work our R3VOLUTION has proven we can do. So please don’t move on to the next email in your inbox or think, “I can just get to this later.” With everything at stake in 2020, I’m counting on your help. Please renew your support for Campaign for Liberty at once! For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. The Fed is dumping hundreds of billions of dollars into the financial markets. Gun control and Deep State-backed IMPEACHMENT are on the march in Congress. A showdown over government spying is looming. And all of these battles could come to a head in 2020! Patriot, this is an “all-hands-on-deck” moment for the Liberty Movement. So please agree to your most generous contribution of $100, $50, or at least $35 to renew your support for 2020 at once! ![]() |