Hello Friend,
Welcome to my e-newsletter, the Ready Room. As a retired Naval Aviator, the Ready Room is special to me because it’s where fellow aviators meet to brief and debrief missions. This is my weekly briefing to you on my mission in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube for regular updates on how my team and I are working to serve you in Congress.
On this Labor Day
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Labor Day weekend with friends and family. As we celebrate our labor force, it's important to note that many Floridians are struggling to afford rising prices caused by inflation. While Florida has set a remarkable example for economic success in the past few years, many of our neighbors are finding it hard to make ends meet due to inflation largely brought on by rampant government spending. Instead of curbing spending to address this problem, the Biden administration has doubled down on costly spending and saddling millions of hardworking Americans with others’ student loan debt. Many of you have called and written to me expressing concern over this decision. I want you to know we are listening. Florida families deserve better, and I will fight to stop these harmful policies that don’t address the real problems.
Service Academy Nominations Are Open
As your Congressman, I have the honor of nominating candidates to our nation’s service academies - the U.S. Military Academy, the U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Air Force Academy, and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. Acceptance to service academies comes with the obligation to serve in the military for a minimum of five years upon graduation. As a Naval Academy graduate, I know what an honor and privilege it is to attend these fine institutions. I encourage any interested candidates to apply by clicking here. Please note the deadline for a nomination application is October 7, 2022.
Congressional App Challenge
Do you know a middle or high school student with a great app idea? We want to hear about it! Registration for the 2022 Congressional App Challenge is open until November 1st and seeks to inspire and innovate efforts around STEM, coding, and computer science education. This nationwide contest allows students to compete by creating an app for desktop/PC, web, tablet, mobile, raspberry Pi, or other devices. The Challenge is open to all middle and high school students in the 15th Congressional District of Florida. Register by clicking here.
Constituent Corner

Mark's wife and her 10 year old son fled Ukraine earlier this year when war broke out in the country. My staff helped Mark obtain a visa for his family in just a matter of months. The family will now be able to be reunited, safe and sound. If you need assistance with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services or another federal agency, contact my office by clicking here.
Test Your Knowledge #CivicsWithScott!
On what year was the 27th Amendment, the last amendment to the Constitution, ratified?
a. 1992
b. 1789
c. 1971
d. 1865
Last Week's Question
Which of the following cities did not serve as the national capital prior to the establishment of Washington, D.C.?
a. Annapolis
b. New York
c. Philadelphia
d. Boston - Correct Answer
I’m honored to represent you in Congress. For more information on constituent services, current legislation, and to sign up for my e-newsletter, please visit my website at franklin.house.gov.
Best regards,
C. Scott Franklin Member of Congress