Get answers to your Global Climate Summit questions! J. Drake Hamilton will answer pre-submitted questions via podcast on January 8. Learn more here.

Learn about the electric all-wheel drive vehicles, minivans, plug-in hybrids, and other all-electric models coming to Minnesota in this market update. Click here to read more about available models, charging setup considerations, incentives, and more.

We were thrilled to have J. Drake Hamilton, Fresh Energy's science policy director, providing an inside look at the climate talks in Madrid last week. She reported that in spite of a promising start, the conference ended with disappointing progress on emissions targets. Check out J.'s daily updates from the summit here.
Get the inside scoop! Tune in to J.'s COP25 Podcast where she will discuss her big takeaways from the summit and answer your questions. Submit your questions directly to J. by emailing her between now and January 3. The podcast will be available to download and stream here on January 8. 
Want to hear more from J.? Schedule her for your next event.

Be the Change

By supporting Fresh Energy, you are making your voice and climate priorities heard, effecting positive change at the scale of the problem. Here are some ways you can help:

  • Make your end-of-year donation via credit card using our secure online portal here.
  • Donate stock for twofold tax savings—avoid paying capital gains tax on stock held 12 months or more and receive a tax deduction.
  • If you are age 70 ½ or older, contribute a portion of your required minimum distribution from your IRA account to lower your taxable income.
Click here to learn more about your giving options. 
Utility planners must look deep into the future as they plan, finance, and build 50-year assets. Though demand for clean energy is increasing daily, transmission capacity (which is key to integrating renewable energy into the grid) is already at its limit. Read more.
Photo Credit: @GovTimWalz

Minnesota lays the groundwork for deeper, bolder action to address the climate crisis
On December 2, Governor Tim Walz announced Executive Order 19-37, establishing the Climate Change Subcabinet and the Governor’s Advisory Council on Climate Change. This action lays the groundwork for deeper and bolder action, spurring collaboration both within state government and between the public and private sectors as Minnesota works to address the unprecedented threat of the climate crisis. Read more.
Say hello to our newest team members!
In November, two new faces joined the Fresh Energy team. Join us in welcoming Anjali Bains and Jo Olson. 
Anjali spent five years in the solar industry and most recently worked at Sol Systems as its first dedicated project developer. Anjali brings her passion for sustainable solutions to the Beneficial Electrification team where she'll guide the continued adoption and evolution of electric transportation to benefit all Minnesotans. Read her full bio here.

Jo has spent the past five years serving as the communications director at the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota. As Fresh Energy's new senior communications and engagement associate, Jo will manage public engagement efforts around Fresh Energy's programs and initiatives. Read her full bio here.

Comment on Xcel’s Plan

Minnesota’s largest utility, Xcel Energy, has filed its draft Integrated Resource Plan. The plan lays out how Xcel will invest in electricity generation over the next 15 years. The plan is a good start, but there is room for improvement. The plan will be open for comment for much of next year. Learn more and make your voice heard on this important issue.
To continue our work, we rely on the generosity of people like you who care about America’s energy future. We are thankful for our recent members and corporate supporters in November. Click here to see the full list.

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