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Senate Conservatives Fund
Herschel Walker (R-GA)

The 2022 Senate elections may come down to Georgia. And the race between woke, socialist Raphael Warnock (D-GA) and conservative Herschel Walker (R-GA) may come down to the wire.

We know what can happen behind the scenes in a close election, especially in a Georgia runoff. We can’t let that happen again. Not this year. Not with so much at stake for our nation.

Conservatives must win this race to take back the Senate.

The DC Establishment is out attacking Walker and other conservative candidates because these so-called "leaders" have failed to lead for years. They know conservative wins mean Establishment accountability.

We can win a conservative Senate, but we must fight for it now!

Americans are sick of Washington insiders demonizing conservatives so they can cut deals with Democrats. They have run the GOP for decades, and all we have to show for it are open borders, Big Tech Big Brother, a trade deficit with China, woke bigotry in our schools, and $30 trillion in debt.

The insiders don’t trust conservatives like Herschel Walker – good! The feeling is mutual.

Please help us beat the Left and GOP Establishment in 2022 by supporting Herschel Walker today.

If Raphael Warnock wins in Georgia, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer will win – and America will lose.

It's time to protect our children, our families, our schools, our military, and our freedom from the woke socialist elites destroying our economy and our culture.

Now is the time to take our stand!

Take action now.

SCF will pay all processing fees and transfer 100% of your contribution to Herschel Walker's campaign.

You can also support our other conservative candidates in the same transaction. You can help conservative fighters like Ron Johnson (R-WI), Eric Schmitt (R-MO), Ted Budd (R-NC), and Adam Laxalt (R-NV).

The clock is ticking, and the November elections are coming soon. Let's make sure we don't miss this historic opportunity to turn our great country around.

Thank you for considering this request and for doing so much to help fight for America's future.

Mary Vought Signature
Mary Vought
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund
@MaryVought / @SCF

2022 Priority Senate Candidates
2022 Challengers
2022 Incumbents
Senate Conservatives Fund
300 Independence Ave SE
Washington, DC 20003

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Senate Conservatives Fund is a grassroots organization that promotes conservative policies and helps elect conservative candidates to the U.S. Senate. SCF was founded by former Senator Jim DeMint to help the grassroots change Washington.

Contributions to the Senate Conservatives Fund are not deductible as charitable contributions. Contributions from corporations or foreign nationals lacking permanent resident status are not permitted. Federal law requires us to report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. Not paid for at taxpayer expense.

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