Fill us at daybreak with your mercy, Do you know someone who would be interested in receiving the Weekly Digest? Share this email and subscribe! Highlights from CCUSADid you purchase your ticket to the Local Host Reception at Port Covington? Join your friends and colleagues for the reception hosted by Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Baltimore at Port Covington for a night of good food, fun, music and an opportunity to take a tour of the Sagamore Spirit Distillery. Add a ticket to your existing registration by going to 2022 Annual Gathering and clicking on the “Already Registered” button. Need help? Email Amy Stinger at [email protected]. Price is $60. Register online by Saturday, September 10 or on-site at the Annual Gathering beginning Tuesday, September 27. Events and WebinarsDealing with Student Loan Debt. September 6, 2022, 3:00 PM ET CCUSA is collaborating with the Office of Students and the Community Affairs Section of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to host a webinar on student loan debt. Join our presenters to explore this relevant issue for our staff and the clients we serve in our network. Our discussion will include updated and current information on the following:
Introduction to CARF Accreditation. September 7, 2022, 2:00 PM ET
Please join us for an introduction to CARF International Accreditation. CARF International is a private, nonprofit accreditation and standards-setting organization founded in 1966. CARF has approximately 1,500 surveyors and 100 staff members who support the accreditation process and includes CARF, CARF Canada and CARF Europe, among others. CARF provides accreditation services for health and human service organizations in the following areas: Aging Services, Behavioral Health, Child and Youth Services, Employment and Community Services, Vision Rehabilitation Services, Medical Rehabilitation and Opioid Treatment Programs. Michael Johnson, CARF Senior Managing Director, will provide a two-hour presentation that will include:
Bring your questions: there will be plenty of time allotted for Q&A. Register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Social Security Administration: How You Can Help People Facing Barriers. September 8, 2022, 1:00 PM ET Over the past two and half years, the Social Security Administration reports that there has been a large decrease of potential applications for the Social Security Disability benefit. This is largely due to COVID and the reduction of Social Security offices across the country and the virtual nature of work during the pandemic. Catholic Charities agencies are in an excellent position to help inform those that may be eligible or engage parents of children who might have a disability but not receiving the benefit and help connect them to this important resources. This webinar will explain eligibility criteria and how to apply. Learn more about Social Security's disability programs and how you can help the vulnerable populations you serve. Please register for this virtual presentation before August 30. Building Relationships with Clergy and Parish Staff 101. September 13, 2022, 3:00 PM ET Discover creative ways to establish, build and maintain relationships with pastors and parish staff to expand capacity for parish social ministry (PSM). This webinar will benefit both new practitioners and experienced ministers dealing with new parish leaders. Presenters include three members of the CCUSA PSM Leadership Team: Dulce Valdez (Phoenix), Brian Smith (Oklahoma City) and Deacon Paul Kipfstuhl (Cleveland). Register for the webinar. Anti-Bias Training. September 14, 2022, 3:00 PM ET In our increasingly diverse world, we must educate ourselves about unconscious bias and discrimination, and how this may present in systems, policies and daily interactions so that we can reduce its effects. God created us all as unique individuals and it is our role as Catholic Charities staff and volunteers to respect the different ways our God is manifested in all the different ways of being in our world. This webinar will define some key terms, and participants will learn strategies to identify bias in themselves, reduce the influence of bias in their contexts and create inclusive environments. Participants will also learn how to talk to others about race and diversity. The speaker for this webinar is Fr. Ragan Schriver, PsyD, LAPSW. Fr. Schriver is the Special Assistant to the President of Catholic Charities USA. He works with the team at CCUSA to help provide behavioral health perspective on various activities of the network. He is also the Director of the MSSW program at the University of Tennessee College of Social Work and an Associate Professor. He teaches courses on clinical interventions and organizational leadership. He is the former executive director of Catholic Charities of East Tennessee. This webinar offers 1.0 Continuing Education Credit. In order to earn the CEC, participants will need to participate in the session in its entirety and complete the evaluation/post-test questions. Register in advance for this webinar. Parish Referrals: A Parish Engagement Strategy. October 24, 2022, 3:00 PM ET Discover strategies for parish engagement through the gifts of time, talent or treasure as developed by Catholic Charities Fort Worth. Special emphasis will be placed on their parish referral program, which equips designated parish representatives to make streamlined referrals to Catholic Charities programs, maximizing impact and increasing trust and transparency with parish partners. Webinar participants will learn to develop customized engagement plans for individual parishes and adapt Fort Worth’s referral program for their local needs. Kasey Whitley, Director of Parish Social Ministry, and Kimberly Phelan, Parish Engagement Coordinator, will present. Register for the webinar. CCUSA Immigration and Refugees Services Community of Practice Monthly Meeting Please join us for the CCUSA Immigration and Refugee Services Community of Practice meetings. During these meetings, we will hear from the field about pressing issues in the Immigration and Refugee Services and receive a policy update from CCUSA, MRS/USCCB, and CLINIC. Register in advance for the meetings and choose one or more of the following sessions to attend:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meetings. Vision and Tools for Vibrant Parish Social Ministries. November 8, 2022, 3:00 PM ET Inspired by the USCCB's Communities of Salt and Light and CCUSA’s Catalysts and Collaborators in Ministry, parishes and agencies can collaborate to build strong and integrated parish social ministries (PSM). Join this webinar to reflect on your own parish social ministry efforts in light of these two foundational documents and learn best practices for what is possible today. Participants will also learn about resources from CCUSA and USCCB for encounter, learning and action. Register for the webinar.
Employment OpportunitiesView job opportunities at CCUSA and Catholic Charities agencies on our careers page. CCUSA members may post job opportunities through the submission form available on the members' portal. If you have any questions about the job opportunities submission form, please contact Christina Kilroy. CCUSA Photo GalleryDid you know that one of the benefits CCUSA provides to member agencies is access to a professional photo gallery? Visit our Flickr photo pages to explore our albums and photos. If you would like a high-resolution version for your agency's use, please email CCUSA with photo number. |
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