Boozman Bulletin: Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge

On December 16, 1944 in the Ardennes Forest of Luxembourg and Belgium, American soldiers were unexpectedly attacked by German forces. The Allies were unprepared, outnumbered and facing record-low temperatures with dwindling supplies. Still, the men on the frontlines dug in to defend against the enemy at the Battle of the Bulge, a critical engagement of World War II.

Arkansan Bill Strauss was one of the brave men who faced the bitter cold, with lack of sleep and a shortage of food. He and his fellow troops endured this extreme test of will and resolve. 

I met with Bill this year to help him celebrate his 100th birthday and thank him for his service and continued commitment to sharing his experiences with the community. It’s been 75 years, but Strauss’ recollection of the details of the unimaginable circumstances he faced was still very clear. He talks about his memories in the Battle of the Bulge in order to honor his fellow soldiers who weren’t so fortunate as well as teach succeeding generations about the realities of war and the remarkable perseverance of American troops. 

The six-week battle demonstrated the commitment, courage and resilience of Bill and all American soldiers. It was the largest battle ever fought by the U.S. Army. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill called it “the greatest American battle of the war.” It came at a considerable cost. More than 89,000 American soldiers were casualties including 19,000 soldiers killed, 47,500 wounded and 23,000 captured or missing in action.

The people of Belgium and Luxembourg have a close place in their hearts for American soldiers who sacrificed their lives on foreign soil. They continue to display that gratitude today.

Thanking a Battle of the Bulge veteran for his service at an event recognizing the valor of American troops.

This past weekend I led a group of my fellow senators to both countries to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. I was honored to visit with the American veterans who fought in the battle and were returning to the land they’d defended. There are fewer and fewer who are able to join, but that doesn’t diminish what they did there or the steadfast way they fought and sacrificed in the name of freedom. 

We can be proud of the unwavering bravery of the American troops and the Allied Forces whose efforts defeated the German attack and led to the end of the Nazi regime. 

I was honored to support the Senate-passed resolution recognizing the 75th anniversary of this battle and honoring the heroism of the troops who helped secure this victory. As we reflect on this occasion, let us protect the legacy of brave individuals like Bill and countless others whose courage and sacrifice secured peace in Europe.


Quick Takes:

  • Urging Passage of USMCA trade agreement: Modernizing our trade deal with Canada and Mexico will deliver wins for farmers, ranchers, manufacturers and businesses in Arkansas and across the nation. The Trump Administration and particularly Trade Representative, Ambassador Robert Lighthizer, has worked incredibly hard to make this deal possible. I'm looking forward to reviewing the final details of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and hopefully getting it across the finish line soon. I highlighted a report produced by the World Trade Center Arkansas to make the case for the passage of this trade agreement.

  • Investing in National Security: On Tuesday, the Senate passed the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This legislation is critical to ensuring service members have the tools and resources they need to protect national security. I'm pleased provisions for which I advocated are included in the bill. It repeals the Widow's Tax, allows a land transfer that will expand burial space for veterans at the Arkansas Veterans Cemetery, authorizes additional full-time Air Force Reservists – one of the top priorities for the Air Force Reserve, expands Arlington National Cemetery and broadens Wounded Warriors Adaptive Sports programs.

  • Connect on Social Media: Stay up to date with what I’m doing for Arkansans via social media. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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