BREAKING FROM WAPO: “Anthony Fauci, face of coronavirus response, to retire in December”

President Biden: As he leaves his role, I extend my thanks for his service – America is stronger, more resilient, and healthier because of him.

Sign the card >> Thank Dr. Fauci for his incredible work in the fight against COVID‑19 >>

Click here: Thank you Dr. Fauci! >>

Dr. Fauci has worked around the clock for the past two and a half years to keep Americans healthy and combat COVID‑19 misinformation.

But it was just announced that Fauci’s time in public service will be coming to an end in December.

So friend, we’re giving Dr. Fauci the send off he deserves and thanking him for his incredible career.

Thank You Dr. Fauci. Sign Now >>

Be the first Democrat from District of Columbia to sign >> Click here to sign Dr. Fauci’s card!

Click here: Thank you Dr. Fauci! >>

Thank you.


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