Our democracy is broken. But a better way is possible. Will you back the Rebellion?

Dear John,

Today, Liz Truss will officially take the helm at no.10 - an unelected Prime Minister who has vowed to end the ban on fracking and approve 130 new licences to drill for oil and gas in the North Sea.


Truss's race to please the Tory right spells disaster for the planet, and for millions of people across the country.


As we head into winter the UK faces blackouts, unaffordable energy, food shortages and flooding - hot on the heels of the summer drought and wildfires - and the PM has no plan.


Our democracy is broken. But a better way is possible. Will you help us inspire communities across the UK to back our call for a citizens' assembly?

Elected like a Jury, and supported with independent, expert knowledge, citizens' assemblies are designed to represent ALL of the people. Across the world, citizens' assemblies have been proven to make better decisions that are fairer for everyone.


“...but to create new, fairer politics will require first thousands, then millions of us. It will require sustained culture-shifting civil disobedience, until we become impossible to ignore. Then, when there’s enough of us, positive change will become inevitable.” Alanna Byrne, XRUK


Thank you for your support in getting Rebellion on the road.


Sarah, Extinction Rebellion UK


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