Dear John

Through the autumn, supporters of End Hunger UK have been gettng creative, knitting and crocheting all kinds of delicious-looking food items. Every newly-elected MP will be sent a knitted foodstuff, together with a message about the continued urgent need for action to tackle the root causes of UK hunger. In the new year, we'll share news of that campaign with you - together with ways you can take action to hold this new government to account.

In the meantime, though, we wanted to share with you some of the wonderful results of people's creativity. So we've turned the knitting into Christmas cards!


Send a message about hunger this Christmas

You can send our knitted Christmas cards digitally to your friends - each including a link where people can find out more about Church Action on Poverty and the campaign to end hunger in the UK. Click the link below to send your cards now!

Many thanks to all of the supporters of End Hunger UK who produced these foods.

Best wishes

Liam Purcell
Church Action on Poverty