John –  In case you missed last week’s big announcement, Labor Day is the perfect day to highlight a MAJOR new endorsement we picked up: AFL-CIO Idaho!

A graphic featuring David Roth’s logo alongside the Idaho AFL-CIO logo, with the caption: “Endorsement Monday: I am honored to have received the endorsement of the Idaho AFL-CIO. I believe in the value of a union and strongly support the PRO Act.”

The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is a democratic, voluntary federation of 57 national and international labor unions representing 12.5 million working people.


They work to ensure ALL working people are treated fairly, with living wages, strong benefits, safety in the workplace, dignity, and equal opportunities for all.


I am so honored to have the support of this incredible organization. American workers are the backbone of our economy, and they deserve a Senator who will fight for working people!


Like President Biden, I believe every worker deserves a union. But unions have been under attack for decades by right-wing politicians like my opponent – who refuses to support the PRO Act that’s currently held up in the Senate.


We can move forward on the PRO Act and other pro-worker legislation when we defeat Mike Crapo and flip this Senate seat. Can I count on your support today?


→ Yes, I will donate to flip this U.S. Senate seat!


When I serve in the U.S. Senate, I will be a strong advocate and a proud YES vote on legislation to improve wages, working conditions, and create new opportunities for workers.


 We can build an economy that works for working people, and I’m running for Senate to make sure no one gets left behind.




- David



David Roth is a single, gay dad running to flip a U.S. Senate seat in Idaho. His opponent is an extremist “pro-life” Republican who’s been in politics for 37 years. David stepped up to serve the state that has been his home most of his life, where he is now raising his two young sons, because every state is worth fighting for. There has never been an openly gay man elected to the U.S. Senate. Help us make history this year. Pitch in now to flip this seat and send David to D.C.

You can follow David's campaign by clicking on the links below:


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Paid for by David Roth for U.S. Senate

©2022 David Roth for U.S. Senate, all rights reserved.


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David Roth for U.S. Senate

2184 Channing Way #114

Idaho Falls, ID 83404


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