Happy Labor Day!
Today is a celebration of the hardworking people in Connecticut and across the country, and all their important contributions to our economy and society. We also honor our labor unions, who fight tirelessly to create fairer working conditions for all.
I will always be one of Congress’ biggest champions for our nation’s workers. It’s because of the blessings of public housing, public education, and through the efforts of unions advocating for good-paying jobs and benefits, that my parents were able to support myself and my seven brothers and sisters growing up. I know that’s the same for so many others. That is why I am committed to passing pro-worker legislation and expanding the Social Security benefits that so many retired laborers rely on.
I hope you know: I will never quit my fight to make wealthy corporations pay their fair share, redistribute the power back to everyday working Americans, and create sustainable jobs right here in Connecticut and across the country.
Here is to continuing the fight for our workers.
— John Larson