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ZOA Slams Extreme Anti-Israel Berkeley Law School Bylaw

(SEPTEMBER 2, 2022 / ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS) The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) denounced an “antisemitic, anti-Israel bylaw” promoted by Berkeley Law Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) that was adopted by nine student groups at the University of California’s Berkeley Law.

Besides supporting BDS, the bylaw pledges that groups will not invite speakers who “have expressed and continued to hold views...in support of Zionism, the apartheid state of Israel, and the occupation of Palestine...in the interest of protecting the safety and welfare of Palestinian students on campus.”

“In essence, student groups that endorse this bylaw agree to exclude speakers who simply support Israel’s right to exist,” the ZOA said in a statement.

While in an email to student leaders at Berkeley Law, Dean Erwin Chemerinsky called the bylaw “troubling” and added that if “taken literally, this would mean that I could not be invited to speak because I support the existence of the state of Israel.” ZOA pointed out that neither Chemerinsky nor the law school condemned the student groups that adopted the bylaw or indicated that the law school would be taking disciplinary action against them.

ZOA President Morton A. Klein condemned the student groups that adopted the bylaw, and took the Berkeley Law administration to task for failing to sanction these groups.

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Founded in 1897, ZOA played a key role in the Jewish State's re-establishment. Today, ZOA is the leading major American Jewish organization courageously defending Israel and the Jewish people; fighting against all forms of antisemitism, including anti-Jewish boycotts; and promoting the Jewish people's lawful right to live in and settle historic Jewish lands. ZOA exposes that a Palestinian state would endanger Israel's existence; presents the facts about the Arab/Islamic war against Israel; and combats the anti-Israel lie that Israel is an "occupier" of her own land. ZOA spearheaded long battles to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, and apply civil rights protections to Jewish students. ZOA provides free legal assistance and programs to pro-Israel students at numerous college campuses. ZOA's bold, unapologetic voice has a significant impact on public discourse and policy.


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