Dear John xxxxxx,
This Labor Day, I want to thank all of Montana and America’s labor union workers and leaders. I strongly support the right of workers to come together and organize and I will fight against any attempt to weaken worker rights.
We can thank unions for so many improvements to the lives of Montanans and Americans including: the 40-hour work week, weekends, sick leave, and keeping children out of factories and mines. Unions are part of who we are as Montanans and our state is better off for it.
Unfortunately, today unions are under attack. Special interests are working to destroy the ability of workers to collectively bargain. Dark forces would like to turn Montana in a so-called “right-to-work” state. We can’t let this happen. Instead of weakening worker rights, we need to strengthen worker rights by growing unions and bolstering collective bargaining efforts.
Montana’s 2nd Congressional District deserves representation that respects and supports worker’s rights. I am incredibly proud to have received the endorsement of the Montana AFL-CIO as well as the Montana Federation of Public Employees. Together, let’s get to work and take our state back!
Best regards,
Gary Buchanan