Remember when we were a “basket of deplorables”? Or before that when Obama called us “bitter clingers to guns or religion”?
Freedom Watch

Dear Patriot,

Support Freedom Watch Help me fight back against Biden’s tyrannical regime with your generous gift of $10, $25, $50, $100 or more NOW!

Remember when we were a “basket of deplorables”? Or before that when Obama called us “bitter clingers to guns or religion”?

I thought I’d heard it all from the Left despicably painting every conservative and person of faith who doesn’t support their radical agenda as threats, bigots, the scum of society.

But last week you and I were called “white supremacists” and a "dagger at the throat of our democracy" by the man who is actively destroying our republic.

Biden stood at Independence Hall where our nation’s founders set America on its free and prosperous democratic path after fighting for independence from tyranny.

He stood there and attacked national unity, decency, and harmony, all while he continues his tyrannical regime, disregarding all common sense in favor of pandering to the far Left.

The Democrats have set America on a path to sure destruction. We MUST act now.

Freedom Watch is fighting to reclaim our freedoms and future from Joe Biden and his “Destroy America” agenda before it’s too late.

I’ve obtained criminal indictments against Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and brother James for Negligent Homicide, Involuntary Manslaughter, Reckless Endangerment and the Death of Vulnerable Children, Seditious Conspiracy, and Treason.

They are now being tried and will likely be convicted. Once sentenced, we will petition for arrest by law enforcement and the military. As a last resort, We the People also have a right of citizens arrest, which we will do non-violently and peacefully.

Our ongoing fights taking on the corrupt Biden regime AND defending Liberty and Justice for Patriots are very expensive.

Please continue to stand with Freedom Watch with your crucial gift of $10, $25, $50, $100, or more right away.

With Respect and Gratitude,

Larry Klayman
Larry Klayman
Founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch
Current Chairman and General Counsel of Freedom Watch, Inc.
Freedom Watch
2020 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Ste 345
Washington, DC 20006

