Celebrate International Migrants' Day with NNIRR!
Twenty-nine years ago, on December 18, 1990, the UN General Assembly adopted the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. In 2000, the UN proclaimed December 18th International Migrants' Day, to recognize the fundamental "rights and freedoms" of all migrants and lift up the principles of the 1990 Convention. NNIRR has recognized this day every year as a symbol of our commitment to upholding and expanding human rights and protections for ALL migrants and refugees.
Today we ask you to consider a year-end gift to NNIRR as a symbol of your commitment to migrant rights and justice!
NNIRR has been an active voice in pushing for human rights protections for migrants and refugees both in US policy and international spaces. Over the last few years, we actively joined with civil society partners in the U.S. and around the world to push for strong commitment in the UN Global Compact for Migration, signed a year ago this month. Read about NNIRR's work in 2019 towards these goals and plans for 2020 here.
We invite you to join us today in honoring migrants' struggles for safety, dignity and human rights -- calling for justice by participating in a global "tweet storm" -- by giving to NNIRR, and by taking part in activities in your area.
Share your messages, photos and activities for migrant rights and justice throughout the day on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram with these tags:
#IMD2019 #migrantrightsnow #StandUp4Migrants #ForMigration @NNIRRNetwork
Shout out against racism and xenophobia, and lift up our demands for immigrant and refugee justice, to end immigrant detentions and deportations, and halt and rollback border militarization.
For more information about the origins of December 18th, International Migrants' Day and our involvement in international human rights advocacy, including the UN Global Compact on Migration check out our International Migrant Rights program on our website!
Thank you for your support and solidarity! NNIRR's work depends on support from our grassroots members and donors. Please give generously today!
Peace to you and yours in the New Year,
~ All of us at NNIRR