Dear JOhn,
Mightier than an out-dated
system. This is Salome's story.
Would wearing tights have
meant I wouldn’t have been attacked?
One night, in my hometown of
Tbilisi, Georgia, I was walking back from work when a man and two boys
started catcalling me. Suddenly they were right behind me. They caught
me. The attack lasted 20 or 30 minutes.
I immediately went to the
police to report it. It was February. I was wearing a long dress and
warm jacket but not tights. They said I didn’t look like a decent
family girl. They asked me repeatedly why I was not wearing
tights. As if that would have changed
Even though my body was covered
with scratches and bruises, the police didn’t believe me and made me
take a ‘virginity test’ to prove I had been violated. After the test,
the police finally began to investigate. They found the man and the
boys a few days later. He was a 23 year old married father of
In court it was inferred
that I was to blame
When the case went to court, I
felt like nobody was interested in me or how I felt. Court sessions
would take place and I wouldn’t know about them; or if I was asked to
attend, they would be cancelled without warning. I felt like everyone
thought I was to blame. In court I was asked,
“Why were you out alone at night, what did you
want?” I had to
retell and relive my story several times. In the end, my attacker was
sentenced to 13 years in
I am one of the few survivors
in Georgia who has gotten justice. The system makes it extremely
difficult. Survivors
need to be heard and we deserve justice. Which is why I want to share
my story with you. Things need to change.
Georgia, 27 percent of women
reported sexual abuse, but last year only eight rapists were
convicted. This is totally
Can you make a contribution
to fund our team of human rights lawyers transforming the
Here’s what we are working on with
partners in Georgia:
1. Reforming sexual violence laws and procedures to ensure
perpetrators are punished 2. Ensuring the legal system is
responsive to survivors 3. Developing guidelines and training to
build a survivor-centered judicial process
As a result of these efforts from
Equality Now and our partners, we’re already seeing some positive
Change is happening and it
can continue with your support. Thank you for caring about the rights
of women and girls. Your activism is making the
In solidarity,
Tamar Dekanosidze Eurasia