Happy Labor Day! We hope you’re having a good holiday weekend.

Today isn’t just a day to mark the end of the summer — or to wear white jeans while we still can. It’s also a day to celebrate everything the labor movement has done (and can do!) for our country. 

We owe so much to unionizing efforts in the United States: the five-day work week, minimum wage, meaningful health and safety standards, and much more. Now, with support for unions at its highest since 1965, we have a massive opportunity to secure dignified work and livable wages for all.

Today is a reminder that when we come together to fight for a more just, equitable world, we can achieve great things. All our frontline Congresswomen are fighting for paid family leave, higher minimum wage, and worker protections. You can make sure they win reelection by chipping in now >>

Thank you so much!

— Katie