Happy Labor Day John! A New Gallup poll shows that 71% of Americans support unions – numbers we haven't seen since 1965! Amazon workers, Starbucks workers, and so many more have made incredible gains this year by organizing in solidarity and demanding fair treatment. The face of the American labor movement has changed, and we're celebrating our progress with brand new stickers that honor the classic "Rosie the Riveter" image with a 21st Century update.
We've created special edition stickers to show our love for the baristas, fast food workers and others on the frontlines of a resurgent labor movement. Make a recurring $5 or more donation to get both exclusive stickers!

Get Your Sticker
In California, we helped mobilize a grassroots movement strong enough to overcome lobbyist pressure and pass historic protections for Fast Food workers through the legislature and get it to the governor's desk. We've stood with Amazon and Starbucks workers demanding living wages, generated thousands of calls to the Senate challenging the monopoly power of big tech, and more. Unionized workers have better wages, better benefits, and better working conditions. If we stick together in solidarity, we can remake America and end this current era of unbridled greed. Chip in $5 as a recurring donation now to get two updated "Rosie the Riveter" stickers! In solidarity, Our Revolution
