
September 5, 2022

Dear John:


This week, I joined my colleagues on a trip to the southern border, where I saw firsthand how the policies of this administration have threatened our national security. The left has decided to open our borders and abandon the successful policies the Trump administration put in place. Customs and Border Protection officers pointed out the smugglers tracking our movement, they have seized unthinkable amounts of narcotics, and their morale is at an all-time low. And still, somehow, this administration has not supported their work. 



I can assure you, Republicans support all law enforcement, including the important work the CBP is trying to do, and we will continue to fight for secure borders.


Biden wants you to pay off everyone's student loans

This month, the Biden administration continued to push their reckless spending spree. Their latest idea? Paying off student loans for those making up to $250,000 with your tax dollars.

This tuition bailout is going to cost at least $300 billion and will primarily help the top 60% of earners, according to a Penn Wharton analysis. In order to pay for this, all taxpayers - many who likely never had college loan debts or already paid theirs off - will take on the debt of a select, often well-off few. To add insult to injury, it comes at a time when every American is feeling the pain of record inflation. When Americans are paying more for just about everything, the last thing we need is more taxes. 

This plan is not going to solve the student loan problem in this country. It is not going to prevent future students from taking out loans, and it is not going to decrease the cost of tuition, which has been skyrocketing for years.

Furthermore, this plan may not even be legal. It is very likely we are going to find that the president may not have the authority to "forgive" student loan debt. This would likely need to be done through an act of Congress. And you can be sure that I will continue to fight against any bill that adds unnecessary and unfair tax burdens to American families.

USNA Admission Forum

The U.S. Naval Academy is hosting an Admission Forum in Willmar on September 8th! If you or someone you know is interested in their admissions process, this event will help answer your questions. You can register on their website.  


Thanks for reading!

As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help.


Happy Labor Day! I hope you are able to enjoy the long weekend with friends and family and soak up the last moments of summer. There's going to be a chill in the air before we know it!








Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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