September 4th, 2022


Thank you for taking time to read my weekly update. Below you'll learn more about what I'm doing in Washington to support Iowans in the second district.
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Taking Care of Our Veterans

In 1973, at the age of eighteen, I enlisted in the United States Army. During my twenty-four years of service, I served as a private, nurse and doctor. My father’s service in the United States Air Force inspired me to serve my country and defend our great nation.

During my service in the Army, I was taught loyalty, duty, honor, courage, and sacrifice. This past week fellow veteran, Representative Bost, joined me to meet with veterans and listen to their needs. 

Representative Bost and I hosted a roundtable discussion with members of the Iowa National Guard and representatives from local veterans service organizations to talk about how we can better serve our veterans. Representative Bost also joined me at the University of Iowa Technology Institute to learn more about the research and technology that the university is using to assist our military.

Additionally, Representative Bost joined me at the Abbey Addiction Treatment Center in Bettendorf to celebrate the center's admission to the TriCare East in-network system. This will expand access to addiction and mental healthcare for military servicemembers, veterans, and their families.

Representative Feenstra's Farm Progress Show

Farming is the backbone of Iowa and the United States. This week I was able to meet with groups and organizations dedicated to protecting our farmers at Representative Feenstra's Farm Progress Show. I joined my colleagues at the Syngenta and Golden Harvest Roundtable for an open discussion with farmers to talk about how we can work together to provide solutions. Afterwards, I toured the National Animal Diagnostics Lab to see their research of infectious, genetic, and metabolic diseases to protect livestock.

I also met with Pivot Bio and Stine to see their work on fertilizer and biochar which will increase crop yields, and soil yield and is better for the environment!

When companies open plants in Iowa it stimulates our economy and provides jobs to Iowans, which is why I was pleased to learn FBN opened up a fulfillment center in Larchwood, Iowa. 

I finished my day at the Farm Progress Show meeting with Pioneer Seeds and Coreva to discuss their work on providing farmers with high-quality seeds, then joined Steffes in learning how they provide farmers with high-quality farming equipment.

Representative Feenstra rounded up the tour with an open panel discussion to talk about the upcoming farm bill. I'm committed to ensuring any future legislation is beneficial to our farmers instead of imposing more restrictions. 

Legislative Roundup

This week I signed onto Representative Thomas Massie's (KY-04) bill that would end Biden's military COVID vaccine mandate and prohibit adverse actions against soldiers who choose not to receive the COVID vaccine. I joined as a cosponsor of Representative August Pfluger's (TX-11) Protecting the Permain Basin Act of 2022. This bill would end the Natural Gas Tax in the Inflation Reduction Act, reducing energy costs families are facing across the country. 

Lastly, I joined Representative Jefferson Van Drew (NJ-02) as an original cosponsor of the IRS Reduction Act. This bill will take away money that was given to the IRS from the Inflation Reduction Act and require the IRS to submit a report to Congress about how it will streamline tax returns for people across the country.  

24 County Tour

It is always great to meet with Iowans as I travel across the second district! It truly is my favorite part of serving in Congress. Speaking to Iowans allows me to stay informed about what is happening in their communities and what I can do to help!

This week I stopped by TrafFix Devices in Fairfield, Iowa to see how they manufacture road signs to keep drivers and pedestrians safe. 

Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks
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