Some things are bigger than Social Security―our democracy is one of them.
The fascist movement led by Donald Trump is seeking to effectively end American democracy. They tried on January 6th, and they’re plotting to overturn the will of the people in 2024. If democracy falls, Social Security will fall soon afterwards.
Our best defense against fascism is a clear-eyed public who knows the threats. That’s why we’ve joined a coalition demanding that every broadcast network air the upcoming January 6th hearings in prime time, just like they did with the Watergate hearings. Will you join us?
Broadcast networks are granted a license to use our public airwaves for the purposes of public welfare. There’s nothing more vital to our nation’s welfare than these hearings―which have already uncovered so much.
Make no mistake: The same billionaires backing Trump’s fascist movement want to destroy our Social Security system. For decades, Social Security’s overwhelming popularity has stopped them for fear of voter backlash. But if elections don’t matter, our plutocratic overlords won’t hesitate to throw seniors off of Social Security and into poverty.
Every American should watch the January 6th hearings, which makes it all the more important that our public airwaves carry these important hearings instead of Young Sheldon. Sign the petition to the news networks demanding that they air the January 6th hearings in prime time!
Michael Phelan Social Security Works