New paper argues direct action "by scientists has the potential to cut through the myriad complexities... surrounding the climate crisis in a way that less visible and dispassionate evidence provision does not."
"Congress must act quickly to pass solutions that bring compassion and security to our border," said one advocacy group after at least nine people drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande.
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AGRF, its donors, and African governments should be taking bold action to support resilient agriculture that works with nature, builds crop and diet diversity, respects climatic patterns, and empowers marginalized farmers.
There should be no out-of-pocket barriers to care when it is needed. The existence of these costs is why so many Medicare recipients opt for a private Medicare Advantage plan. However, this, and all such efforts to privatize the public Medicare program, harm patients and steal from the public purse. Medicare Advantage must be ended, and any new privatization efforts, like ACO REACH, must be opposed.