Hi John,
I have something different to share with you today —– Have you ever wondered what a mom facing an unexpected pregnancy is thinking or going through when considering an abortion? That’s exactly what you’ll hear below.
After recently being evicted, “Bella” learned that she was pregnant with her second child. She made a difficult decision to send her son to live with her mom until she could get back on her feet. And to make the situation worse, her baby’s father had disappeared.
She poured her worry into her journal, writing:
“How could I possibly have another child? I can’t even provide for my son ‘Leo’. Sending him to live with my mom was gut-wrenching. I know abortion is my only choice.”

Bella searched online for information on abortion and found the number for Human Coalition’s Contact Center. The voice on the other side was a nurse from our Telecare Women’s Clinic.
She wrote:
"I was scared the nurse would judge me, but she was so kind. She actually took the time to listen to me today.”
A few days later, Bella visited a Brick-and-Mortar Women’s Clinic for a free ultrasound. After hearing her child’s heartbeat, she panicked.
Again, she wrote:
“I don’t want to have an abortion —– but what other choice do I have? On top of everything, my car just broke beyond repair. How will I ever be able to afford an apartment AND a car —– AND clothes, diapers, and everything else?
What I earn at work won’t cover half of it. It feels like everything is crashing down at once on me. It all feels so hopeless.”
Bella talked with the nurse and decided to make an appointment for a second ultrasound. The nurse introduced her to the Continuum of Care program to help meet Bella’s tangible and emotional needs.
The day of her ultrasound came. As she watched her child’s arms and legs move on the screen, she felt an incredible sense of love. Knowing that she had support, she decided to choose life. And a few months later, her daughter “Nora” was born!
Flash forward five years… Bella pulled out her old journal and read her past entries.
She turned to a new page and wrote:
“I used to think all was lost, but my friends at the clinic stood by me. In reality, they were more like family!
They worked with me to make a financial plan. They helped me find an affordable car and apartment —– which meant Leo came back from staying with my mom. A church even threw me a baby shower and gave me everything I needed for Nora.
After she was born, they helped me find childcare and a better job, and over the years, they’ve continued to check in. They were thrilled when I told them I bought my house!
I am grateful for how they cared for me and especially Nora … my sweet kindergartener who starts school tomorrow… It’s amazing what happens when someone gives you hope!”
John, will you help more moms like Bella today? www.HumanCoalition.org/Back-to-School/
Her journal entries above are a fictional portrayal (based on an actual story) of the struggle moms facing unexpected pregnancies often experience. What’s especially devastating is that most of these moms would rather parent than have an abortion, but they see no other way forward.
That’s why your support is so critical… you empower these families to overcome their challenges rather than be overwhelmed by them. You care for them and empower them to choose life.
During this Back-to-School season, Human Coalition is seeking to raise $290,000 by September 16. I need your help today to scale programs providing for the tangible needs of moms like Bella.
A group of generous supporters has pledged to provide a $125,000 Matching Grant. That means every dollar raised up to $125,000 by September 16 will automatically be DOUBLED and make TWICE the impact to serve more moms in need of help and hope.
Will you give an immediate gift of $100, 200, or your best gift to serve moms desperate for help and hope today? www.HumanCoalition.org/Back-to-School/
Your support is especially important in a post-Roe America. Only 13 states are abortion-free right now. And that means that abortions are still happening in 75% of the country, even with Roe overturned. Moms facing unexpected pregnancies still need you to stand in the gap and rescue their children.
By giving, you will help ensure the needs of these moms are met —– and that their children are rescued from abortion and get to experience a first day of school.
Please give hope and help to moms today, empowering them to choose LIFE and helping them THRIVE. Thank you for your commitment to serving these moms! www.HumanCoalition.org/Back-to-School/
God bless you,
Rachel Lane
Vice President of Family Services
P.S. — John, there are moms facing unexpected pregnancies right now who need help and hope from you. Will you give today to make TWICE the lifesaving impact for moms like Bella and children like Nora? www.HumanCoalition.org/Back-to-School/