Please take a few minutes to fill out our General Election Priorities Survey >>

Ilhan for Congress

What are your priorities right now, team?

Every day, Ilhan is working to advance our shared progressive values in Congress. Back in January, you all shared that taking on climate change and passing Medicare for All are among your top priorities.

Ilhan has fought to move the needle on these issues and has made incredible progress. Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act marks the largest investment our country has ever made to address climate change. It will also crack down on Big Pharma’s price gouging and lower prescription drug and healthcare costs. And corporations and the ultra-wealthy will finally pay their fair share.

This is a huge step forward — but it’s only the beginning of what we can do as a movement to build a better future for all.

We’re only about 9 weeks out from Election Day, and hearing from you will help Ilhan set her priorities for the weeks ahead. Will you share what’s on your mind by filling out our General Election Priorities Survey? It will only take a few minutes.


Thank you for making your voice heard. Hearing from you guides Ilhan in fighting for policies that will support workers and families the most.

— Team Ilhan